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A Smoke Detector Is the First Line of Defense Between You, and a Fire
Did you know the peak time for house fires is between 10 pm and 6 am? When a home doesn’t have working smoke detectors, people can sleep through the beginning signs of a fire because there isn’t a smoke alarm to wake them up.
Many fire victims die in their sleep from smoke inhalation and carbon monoxide poisoning–not from fire burns.
When properly installed (with working batteries), smoke detectors warn your household about a potential fire.

The Wentzville Fire Protection District’s Smoke Detector Program
As firefighters, we know how important smoke detectors are to the safety of your home, apartment, school, and office buildings. By installing and maintaining smoke detectors, people can reduce their chances of dying in a fire by 50%.
Smoke detectors should be placed on every level of your house, to include inside every bedroom and in the vicinty of the bedrooms at the highest point of the room, and in the basement. Interconnected detectors will sound simultaneously.
To ensure smoke detectors are working correctly, dust the device and test the battery regularly. Homes built after 1999 only use the battery as a backup, as detectors are hardwired into the home.
A Smoke Detector Is the First Line of Defense Between You, and a Fire

For all smoke alarm installations, be sure you follow the manufacturer’s instructions because there are differences between the various brands. If you are uncomfortable standing on a ladder, ask a relative or friend for help.
Fire Safety & Evacuation Procedures Check List
In an emergency, people must know how to escape their bedrooms and houses if there is a fire.
Install smoke detectors in every bedroom.
Have two exits out of every bedroom.
Roll out of bed, and crawl under smoke toward an exit point.
Crawl to the door and carefully touch the door handle with the back of your hand to see if it’s hot or cold.
If it’s cold, safely open the door.
If it’s hot to the touch, use the alternative exit out of your bedroom.
Bedrooms on the second floor should exit onto a safe roof area or hang an escape ladder out the window and climb down.
Once outside, go to the predetermined meeting place. If you’re trapped inside, hang a blanket out the window to signify help.
If you’re trapped inside, stay close to the window, and never hide in the closet, under the bed, or by the door.
Call 9-1-1 from a safe location.
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