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Open Burning Laws In Wentzville & St. Charles County
Open burning is only allowed in unincorporated St. Charles County between September 16th and April 14th. The burn pile size cannot exceed 16 ft and can only be brush and vegetation.
Open burning of household waste is prohibited in the St. Charles County area.
If you do not live in the Wentzville Fire District, you must go to your local fire protection district to obtain a burn permit.

Please Do Not Burn:
Coated Electric Wires
Roof Shingles
Household Refuge/Trash
Treated Lumber

Important Definitions To Understand Burn Regulations
Open Burning is burning any materials out in the open without the smoke/air passing through a chimney from an enclosed chamber. Many people burn their yard waste, which requires a permit, but plenty of other people burn their household trash– that contaminates the air. Burning non-organic materials, like plastics, tires, and aluminum cans, negatively affects the environment and people living around your property and is not allowed.

Prohibited Open Burning Under Missouri State Regulation
Any waste generated from a commercial business, industry, factory, or demolition site CANNOT be burned. This includes:
Cardboard Boxes
Chemically Treated Pallets
Rubber Products
Plastic Products
Hazardous materials: styrofoam, plastics, petroleum-based products, and asbestos-contaminated materials.
Treated wood
Contractors who have waste from landing clearing must contact the Missouri Department of Natural Resources for burning instructions. You may contact the Department of Natural Resources at 573-751-4817.

Burn Permits May Be Issued For The Following Activities
Vegetation waste: Open burn permits may be issued to a private individual to burn a small quantity of vegetation waste on their property.
Recreational Fires/Bonfires: Must follow these conditions:
The bonfire must be (at most) 5 feet tall by 5 feet wide by 5 feet long and not burn longer than 3 hours.
Fuel for a bonfire must only be made of seasoned dry firewood and ignited with a small quantity of paper. The fire is not to be used for waste disposal purposes.
A bonfire may not be conducted within 50 feet of a structure or combustible material unless the fire is contained in a barbecue pit. Conditions that could cause a fire to spread within 50 feet of a structure must be eliminated before ignition.
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