Tabletop or portable fireplaces are increasingly popular. Although these can be an attractive addition to your home, they can be dangerous.
If you use an ethanol fueled fireplace you should follow these safety guidelines from the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association):
Portable Fireplace Safety
A portable ethanol burning fireplace, and the fuel, should only be used by adults
Clean up any fuel spillage and be sure all liquid has evaporated before lighting the fireplace.
Light the fireplace using a utility lighter or long match.
An adult should always be present when a portable fireplace is burning.
Place the fireplace on a sturdy surface away from table edges.
Never try to move a lit fireplace or one that is still hot.
Don’t pour ethanol fuel in a device that is lit or not completely cool. It may result in a fire or injury.
Allow the device to cool down for at least 15 minutes before refueling.
Extinguish the flame when you leave the room, home or go to sleep.
General Fire Safety
Keep anything that can burn, children and pets at least 3 feet from the fireplace.
Store lighters and matches out of the reach of children, in a locked cabinet.
Ethanol Fuel Tips
Store ethanol fuel in a closed container, away from the fireplace and out of the reach of children.
It may not be easy to see the ethanol fuel flame. Always close the lid or use a snuffer to be sure the flame is extinguished before refueling into a cooled fireplace.
Use only fuel made specifically for your fireplace.